
Ethan Garner

Principled investigator

Daniel Henthorn

Graduate Student

I am interested in protein dynamics, particularly governing rules from a physical perspective

Luis Alberto Gutiérrez López

Graduate Student (joint with Paulsson lab)

I am interested in how bacteria coordinate DNA replication with division.

Diego Alejandro Ramirez Diaz


Physics of cell division in bacteria. Can we induce artificial septum formation?

Aditya Bandekar

Joint postdoc with Yonatan Grad

    Luis Avila

      Lei Yin

        Divya Chowdary

          Previous Lab Members:

          Carl Wivagg


            Ye-Jin (Jenna) Eun

            Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Fellow

            I developed new methods for live-cell imaging of haloarchaea and studied the cell division and growth mechanism of Halobacterium salinarum.

            Mike Dion

            Lab Manager / tech wizard

            As the most experienced guy around, Mike makes the magic happen.

              Patrick Stoddard

              Graduate Student (joint with Murray lab)

                Laura Bagamery

                Graduate Student (joint with Murray lab)

                  Saman Hussain

                  Graduate Student

                  I study how bacterial cells are able to organize the synthesis of their cell walls to grow in defined and reproducible shapes.

                  Mrinal Kapoor

                  Graduate Student

                    Zach Barry

                    Graduate Student (joint with Bathe lab)

                      Sean Wilson

                      Graduate Student

                      I am interested in understanding aspects of bacterial cell wall hydrolases, essential enzymes that break down the wall to allow growth while maintaining its integrity.

                      Yingjie Sun

                      Post doctoral fellow

                      I study how bacteria change regulate their rate of growth at the single-molecule and single-cell levels .

                      Devon Stork

                      Graduate Student (joint with Church Lab)

                      I use tools to develop new fluorescent tools for imaging.

                      Matthew Holmes

                      Graduate Student

                      I study the dynamics of bacterial cytokinesis. I enjoy putting labels on proteins and then watching what they do

                      Jenny Zheng

                      Graduate Student

                      I study cell shape formation by looking at archaea grow and divide.

                      Adam Strandberg

                        Georgia Squyres